“…something I can continue with the rest of my life…”

"I am a 59 years young women who has been active my entire life. When menopause hit, it changed my life. I gained 20 pounds, developed sciatica, knee, hip and back problems. No matter what I did the weight would not budge! With the help of Kaylin at Elevated Physique I was able to lose about 15 pounds, regain mobility in my hips and knees and get back on track to being me again. She helped me with meal planning and exercise that was realistic, something I can continue with the rest of my life. I still have a ways to go but with the tools Kaylin provided I am confident that the next 10+ pounds will fall off and I will be back to being me."

weight loss, strength training, women, woman, gym, weightloss journey, fitness, health, confidence, improvement, progression

— Jacqi Kambish

  • Full Testimonial:

    “7 months ago, I knew I needed help with my health. I was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’d been battling poor health and fatigue for a few years. I had recently discovered food allergies that were making me sick and I had addressed them but I hadn’t fully bounced back.

    I’d gained a lot of weight. I felt frumpy, awkward, embarrassed of myself and at a loss as to what to do about it. My stamina was low and every day I experienced a lot of pain in my body, especially in my legs.

    I’d tried to lose weight with weight-loss pills, diets, fasting, and irregular exercise. I’d lose weight and then gain back more.

    I wanted to lose weight but more than losing weight I decided that I wanted to be healthy again.

    I felt desperate to make lasting changes but I was hesitant to spend the money on a personal trainer.

    Driven by frustration and desperation for change I showed up to the gym. That first day working out with Kaylin, I nearly threw up. I thought I couldn’t do it again but three days later I got my butt out the door and showed up again.

    The first three months, I made a choice over and over again to show up, one more time, with Kaylin’s encouragement. It wasn’t until after 3 months that I finally thought I just might stick with this gym thing and continue to lift weights.

    7 months in, I feel good. Mentally, I’m happier than I’ve been in years. All those good brain chemicals getting charged up each week have their affect. I’ve also lost 20 lbs, I’ve gained strength, I’ve gained stamina, I’ve gained confidence.

    The pain I felt regularly has greatly diminished.

    Through the whole process Kaylin was been patient, understanding, humble, flexible and resourceful. She has naturally balanced pushing me to grow with listening to me when I have questions or concerns.

    She has taught me to lift with good form and has helped me to establish good techniques.

    Over the past 7 months Kaylin has been one of my biggest cheerleaders and has become a dear friend. I’m lifting weight I never could have without her help and direction.

    Kaylin brings to the gym years of personal experience and a sincere desire to help others. I honestly wish I had started working with her sooner.”

    -Jacqi Kambish

  • Hello, My name is Chris Carter. I own Devil Dogg Strength and Conditioning and I am a competitive weightlifter, powerlifter, and obstacle course racer. I met Kaylin when she was in High School and I have coached her for many years. I am very proud of the person and coach she has become. I have been so impressed with her dedication and knowledge of health and fitness that I acquired her as my nutrition coach. We have worked together since November of 2022. Since receiving her guidance I set at lower body weight, but more importantly, I have become stronger and more defined. One of the key components that we have focused on is tracking my macros and focusing on protein intake. I recently competed in Weightlifting Nationals where I set personal records in the snatch, clean and jerk, and total. I also qualified for Pan Am and Worlds. I contribute a huge part of my success to Coach Kaylin. If you are looking to get stronger, fitter, or overall better for life, you could not find a better coach than Kaylin Trivisonno. Get Some!

— Chris Carter, Devil Dogg Strength and Conditioning